With the gambling industry blossoming across the globe, countries like Brazil are finding that the market is seemingly endless. There are golden opportunities for potential affiliates to offer online gaming to Brazilians.
However, it is not as simple as just opening up an affiliate and expecting people to come. There needs to be strategies involved, as Super Afiliados executive Alessandro Valente explained to Becky Liggero in an interview for CalvinAyre.com.
It starts with the graphics that are used. Valente explains that “It’s a cultural thing in Brazil. We are inclined to actually read graphics or videos instead of like doing a very long article about an operator. [We] use issues like an infographic that sells a lot easier than an article.”
While Europe is becoming saturated and highly regulated, this is not as true in many South American nations. It is why Valente feels that a company of any size can have great success in countries like Brazil. “In Europe, they are now facing saturated and is even regulated market, and they can actually diversify and dilute in coming to countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile as well. So, there are lots of opportunities in Brazil for affiliates, the likes of small companies or even the big guys.”
The opportunity is clearly there he explained to Liggero, but they want this to be a market where all can benefit. Where all are playing by the rules. “In terms of affiliates, we’re pretty much free to promote however we like, but we try to keep it simple. We try to keep it fair. Never actually exploring anything that is, you know, outside the jurisdictions or the legislation that covers the region or, you know, unlicensed casinos and things like that.”
He also explains that successful affiliates are doing much more than simply presenting the information. They are making connections with consumers. A vital part of the success of the affiliate is understanding this principle. “You are selling a whole contact with you, a bridge between you, the operator, and so it’s being more human is one of the main things that we actually changed. You actually make a lot more return on their investment in Brazil.”
Helping affiliates to have a greater return on investment is what Super Afiliados is all about. As the markets in Brazil blossom, the organization is doing all it can to help these affiliates to be far more successful.