FunFair Games COO Lloyd Purser has one eye on the future when it comes to audience engagement. Purser is keen to engage generation Y & Z as the next level of customers for the future and he believes that building community could pay off in the long term for operators. Purser took some time out to explain his strategy to our lead reporter Becky Liggero Fontana.

Purser has been leading the charge in new audience engagement by embracing blockchain technology. Purser explained why FunFair continues to play the long game with the blockchain revolution and why this resonates with a younger demographic.
“FunFair started in in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, building a casino platform that operated purely on the Ethereum blockchain,” he said. “Throughout that, we’ve also seen in the crypto space, that there’s a certain different style of content which has been performing very well. We knew from our own data that in excess of 85 of all of our customers were under the age of 40 and the majority of those under the age of 30.”
Purser puts this demographic shift down to the types of content available. “We knew that there was definitely a young skew in the crypto gambling space and seeing the types of games that they that they’re playing had certain foundations,” Purser said. “I really feel there’s an opportunity to take this genre of content into the traditional online gambling space um because there’s definitely an opportunity for operators to have a new style of casino games which can really attract and engage that millennial.”
In the full interview Purser elaborates on Funfair’s strategy for community building strategy to attract a younger audience and the possibilities that blockchain gaming presents. “And if you haven’t yet, watch all of our videos as they go up by subscribing to the YouTube channel.