Black Friday shook the online poker industry little over 18 months ago and since then Full Tilt Poker is the a company that has always found its way onto the news pages for the wrong reasons. This was all until PokerStars made a deal with the Devilpartment of Justice (DOJ) that saw them take FTP as well as pick up the can for the company’s unpaid players.
After an impressively quick turnaround, FTP was relaunched earlier this week on November 6 and certain regulated markets have been able to get their real-money fix whilst others, the US included, have had to be content with play-money. What do’s readers think though, I hear you cry. Our weekly poll has all the answers, after posing the question Will you be playing at the new Full Tilt Poker?
Coming out in dead last with a pitiful 7 percent was those choosing Yes – play money.
Much like sex, you guys obviously prefer the real thing as those that replied Yes – Real-money polled 41 percent of votes and it meant that out in front was No, which took 49 percent of the vote.
It’s hardly surprising the majority said no to the question given the way customers were treated in the past and the fact that there are a number of other sites that offer a similar service without the tag FTP still undoubtedly has. For example players that already have an account with PokerStars are unlikely to switch over to Full Tilt unless they get offered a free lunch with their new account – and as far as we gather that ain’t happenin’.
This week has been a big one in the political game of poker and the decision by Americans to give Barack Obama #FourMoreYears could have huge ramifications for the future of gambling in the United States. There was a lot more to it than just the President’s re-election though so this week we ask What’s the most significant development for Gambling from Election 2012? Check back next week for the outcome.