Take whatever hard and fast truths you once held dear and toss ‘em to the wind. Up is now down, black has turned white and Hell has frozen over. Sunday, Sept. 9: a date that will live in betting infamy. As impossible as it may sound, boxer/wife-kicker/sports-bettor Floyd Mayweather Jr. tweeted a photo of a losing betting slip. WE KNOW! It’s like being told [spoiler alert] there’s no Santa Claus!
Floyd wins every bet he places. We know this because he always tweets his winning betting slips. But on Sunday, Floyd bet $100k that the Detroit Lions would be ahead by halftime, only to discover that the Rams had other ideas. Or maybe Floyd’s instincts were thrown by the presence of Shannon Eastin, who made National Football League history Sunday as the first female on-field official to work a regular season game. Either that or maybe those Mayans were on to something, and this really is the year the fucking world snuffs it.
In Floyd’s defense, he did tweet two other tickets on Sunday, both of them winners totaling $350k. And he apparently won almost $181k on the Cowboys on Wednesday, so he’s up over $430k one week into the season (plus anything he can pick up Monday night). Not bad, Money Man. Speaking of, we know that Floyd employs members of his posse to tote around duffle bags full of benjamins into which Floyd dips to place his sports wagers at the M Resort in Las Vegas. Is Floyd not aware that Cantor Gaming – which runs the M Resorts’ sportsbook – has a perfectly good mobile betting app (now available for iOS as well as Android)? Floyd already has an exissting account at the M, so he wouldn’t even have to leave his crib (or prison cell, depending how his probation goes) to place his bets.
Then again, if Floyd’s willing to switch to one of the 159 Nevada sportsbooks newly rebranded under the William Hill banner, the fact that he doesn’t have an account doesn’t matter. So long as he’s willing to deposit a minimum of $500, Hills will send a cheerful company rep to the gates of Floyd’s mansion to sign him up for Nevada’s original mobile betting app. What’s more, the in-play wagering experience Hills’ traders brought with them from the UK means they could offer Floyd a myriad of ways to spice up those tired old first-half/second-half bets.
Old school Nevada capper Jimmy Vaccaro, who is part of the team tasked with incorporating Hills’ know-how into the Nevada operations, told the Las Vegas Sun the books are now offering 250-300 betting options per day, but back in the UK, Hills’ books “could have 20 or 30 bets during a quarter of a football or soccer game. We don’t approach that, but our goal is to someday maximize what they do over there here in Nevada. Can we get to 2,300 bets a day? I don’t know, but we’re working on it.” But can they teach Floyd how to tweet a screenshot of the winning bets from his mobile?