Betsson opens up office in India


betsson-new-india-officeIt’s been said on a number of occasions this year that in terms of big gambling news Asia right up there. This is the reason many companies are deciding to set up shop in Asia – it has nothing to with the fine cuisine on offer or the chance to watch a show involving lady boys. As attractive as that may sound, it’s not the case.

Swedish company Betsson have become the latest company to set up shop in Asia, choosing India as the site for a new development.

Fitting in line with Betsson’s B2B-strategy for distant markets, the site will act as a software development company, developing software for both Betsson’s current European markets and new ventures across Asia. By focusing on the Asian market, they’ve already secured one contract in the region and the Swede’s estimate revenues from this contract will start to roll in during 2011.

Pontus Lindwall, CEO of Betsson, commented: “Betsson sees, outside our core markets in the Nordic countries, several markets with good potential. We want to establish ourselves through B2B collaboration with local partners. It is satisfying that our efforts in the B2B segment is paying off.”

Betsson has had a topsy-turvy few months in their home region of Scandinavia, first being banned by Denmark and then their sole betting shop in Sweden being given the boot, so they’ll be hoping any future success in Asia will be more akin to their recently published increased revenue figures.