Trump brings the booty back to Miss Universe Pageant

Donald Trump is many things, call him want you want, the man knows how to draw a crowd. Trump’s Miss Universe Pageant in Las Vegas has been dropping in ratings yearly, people just don’t care about the beauty queens as much as they once did, that is, unless they’re engaging in threesomes or making erotic sex tapes, but then those girls are usually outcast-ed and stripped of their crowns, it doesn’t seem right.

If there’s one universal marketing concept that has been established these days, it’s that SEX SELLS!

Trump decided to make radical changes to the Miss Universe tradition and quite frankly, all red-blooded men need to tip their hats to The Donald.

Trump has brought the booty and the beauty back to the Miss Universe Pageant and he’s made it relevant again. People are talking about the pageant and they tuned in to watch it. Why? Well, Trump spiced it up a touch more than a little bit.

What does every man really want to see when it comes to beauty queens? If you said classy girls in night gowns giving stat quo answers to questions, get your head examined. Men want to see flesh. Quite simply, we want to see the prettiest and sexiest girls on the planet naked, let’s not kid ourselves. Trump knew that, he probably feels the same way, and he did something about it.

Body painting on naked beautiful girls, there’s few things in this world that are more pleasing to the eye. Trump made that happen in the Miss Universe Pageant, and frankly, the world is a better place for it. Sure, Trump’s marketing strategy was met with opposition from the tight wads and traditionalists, but isn’t every good idea?

While Miss Mexico, Jimena Navarrete may have walked away with the 2010 Miss Universe crown, these SEXY Girls are all winners in my book.

Regardless of what the critics may say, Trump’s tactics were a major success by any man’s standards. He gave us what truly wanted. What man can honestly say he doesn’t want to see racy pictures of Miss USA contestants or the most gorgeous girls in the universe, covered in nothing but a thin layer of body paint? Show me that man, and I’ll show you a liar. Bravo Mr. Trump, Bravo.