It appears that they’ve had one too many cold beers down under, in what’s been a busy week for them Wallabies. First the muted opening of ‘AusVegas’ in proximity to the Great Barrier Reef, and then the newly created PokerStars poker league, however in terms of online gaming they’re have none of it, unless all money goes to another country. Forget tax dollars to help the economy! This has riled the Irishman Patrick Power and his company Sportsbet. Commercial director Cormac Barry finished off his Guinness infused Irish stew to comment, “There is no doubt that any concerns the government has about responsible gambling in an online environment would actually be addressed if they embraced these recommendations.” I’m going with the Irish, if only to get a free Guinness and a ride on their leprechaun. Read more.
Australia riles Paddy with new refusal