You’ll have to excuse my delay in getting this post EGR Live & Awards article out, but getting people to report back to me the details and late night gossip is like pulling teeth, I tell you!
So what’s the take away here? EGR Live sounds like it was a pretty good event and everyone I spoke with loved the Awards, but I better get my butt to the next EGR Live & Awards so I can enjoy and properly report on the carnage using my very own eyes, ears and camera.
According to eGaming Review, after the success of this past event, EGR Live has now firmly established itself as a key industry date. Numbers have been growing year on year, exhibitors have been growing year on year, EGR received a ton of great feedback, and the content sessions were well attended. The most popular sessions at EGR Live 2010 were the CEO Panel, Spotlight on Industry investment, What hope is there for a level playing field in Europe, Update on the US, and How to keep your customers & social media marketing.
The EGR Live Awards kicked off with a cocktail reception on the Old Billingsgate balcony as it was a gorgeous sunny night, and of course the drinks were free thanks to Playtech. Over 600 guests enjoyed the delivery of dozens of B2B and service provider igaming Awards with Playtech, Dragonfish, Evolution Gaming and Microgaming all taking home awards in more than one category. After the awards ceremony, the usual schmoozing, drinking and mingling took place, and at the conclusion of the Awards gala, a “very large crowd” went to the Spearmint Rhinos where “several award winners” were celebrating “in style”.
For a peek into the Awards ceremony, please enjoy some pictures thanks to Jodie Thind of Lyceum Media, and don’t you worry, next year I’ll be sure to snap some celebrating “in style” shots from the strip bar myself- now that’s a promise!
EGR Live & Awards Review, Pics and Gossip