Bitcoin SV’s (BSV) principle of sticking to the original vision of Satoshi Nakamoto looks like it’s paying off. Fundstrat, the independent research firm specializing on digital currency assets, has released its latest assessment of BSV, and their conclusion is it’s ready for enterprise usage.
In their July 28 paper titled BSV: Business Use Cases of the Bitcoin SV Blockchain, David Grider CFA lays out all the different wants BSVs massive scaling of the blockchain and consistent protocol can help enterprises today. The report details the BSV vision, including the four pillars of Stablity, Scalability, Security and Safe, Instant Transactions, as well as an ecosystem overview, company profiles, and up to date blockchain metrics.
Using these principles, which have created for a digital currency which is not only fast, but offers very low transaction fees, Grider notes “they reduce global business challenges by re-engineering the trust models underlying internet services using publicly verifiable, immutable, user-owned blockchain data and globally enforceable smart contracts.” He adds: “All these innovations open the door for next gen businesses.”
The report is a handy reference for any company looking to get into the BSV space, listing out 320 companies and services already taking advantage of the digital currency, 80 resources, and 30 protocol layers. It acts as a great guide, with profiles on companies like EHR, Bitboss and Kronoverse, which aspiring BSV companies could look to as a template to get started.
It also talks up many of the metrics that prove BSV is ready for enterprise usage today. It shows BSV already scales to any blocksize it needs for growing demand, maintains the lowest fees despite that decreasing demand, and already provides the best capabilities for data storage and transmission.
The bottom line of the report is glowing:
“Blockchain has moved from the idea phase to the implementation phase and businesses are now deploying novel applications. BSV’s technical decisions to date have positioned the platform with the scalability needed to service certain high throughput, enterprise applications. Growing PoCs [Proofs of Concept] and enterprise traction will offer signs of BSV’s potential.”
If you’re part of a gambling outfit and want to see how you can benefit from Bitcoin SV already, check out our Bitcoin for Gambling resource section. In it, we show how BSV is already the best solution for operators, service and content providers.