Asia Gaming Summit 2018 explores future of gaming in the region

Asia Gaming Summit 2018 explores the future of gaming in the region

The second Asia Gaming Summit will be held on November 6-8 at W Taipei in Taiwan. It promises to be packed with insights from market leaders on major industry developments and what different players involved should do to make the most of what the future holds.

Asia Gaming Summit 2018 explores the future of gaming in the regionThe differing regulatory environments in Asian countries will be discussed in depth. This includes an assessment of Taiwan’s significance as gaming hub in Asia. In spite of the Kinmen referendum in 2017, which saw citizens rejecting the opening of the outlying islands to casinos, there are numerous developments yet to be explored. Also, with Japan’s passage of an integrated resorts law, opportunities are plenty, and the discussion will look at the regulatory framework in which casinos, both physical and online, are to operate.

Attendees to the summit will also be privy to a session on “innovation and diversification in online gaming offerings and sports betting.” This includes panels on the directions in which the Asian sports betting industry will be taking, innovation strategies in lotteries to remain competitive, and the potential of eSports betting as an alternative revenue stream.

Among prominent personalities in these panels are Adrien Lefevre, chief of risk and compliance office of The Multi Group/, who will be part of the Asian lottery panel; and Lars Lien, CEO of eSports betting platform Luckbox, for the eSports betting panel.

Curiosity China Commercial Senior Manager John Danzi will be presenting a case study on “Harnessing the power of gamification for customer acquisition and retention in China,” looking at application of a successful business model to gaming, specifically to the Chinese market. Danzi will also be sharing his understanding of “the magical world of Chinese social media” in a separate talk.

For the cryptocurrency panel, which will be looking at strategies for integration of blockchain technology, iGaming expert Calvin Shueh will be sharing his knowledge based on his vast experience developing strategies and operations in Asia for top companies in the world.

Another crypto panelist, Nitrogen Sports Director of Marketing Hunter Larsen, will focus on cryptocurrency innovations for the gaming industry. Larsen will also be speaking on “Understanding the unique nature of the cryptocurrency player and boost your revenue with the right marketing strategy.”

Meanwhile, UpstartDNA founder and CEO Anthony Wu will be part of the panel on “the Asian affiliate model,” where affiliates’ roles and practices will be analyzed. Wu will also be speaking about regional differences in relation to marketing, and “assessing the key strategies for a successful online strategy,” focusing on Chinese-speaking markets, Japan and Southeast Asia.

For the complete list of speakers and topics, and to be a part of this event, visit the Asia Gaming Summit Taiwan website. Register to the event by October 5 to enjoy the best rate available.