Gaming, Racing & Wagering Australia 2018 returns with the first ever new Gaming Technologies & Innovation Day

Gaming, Racing & Wagering Australia 2018 returns with the first ever new Gaming Technologies & Innovation Day

The 9th Annual Gaming, Racing & Wagering Australia (GRWA) will return on 13-15 August 2018 at L’ Aqua, Darling Harbour in Sydney.

Gaming, Racing & Wagering Australia 2018 returns with the first ever new Gaming Technologies & Innovation DayThis year GRWA will host its first ever Gaming Technologies & Innovation Day on conference day one discussing the disruptive technologies including cryptocurrencies, blockchain, ICOs and other payment solutions. Mark Crawley, Compliance Manager from AUSTRAC will kick off the day by speaking about regulating crypto operators in Australia. The session will focus on digital currency exchanges, the regulatory framework, AML compliance and much more. Lucas Cullen, Blockchain Developer at Virtue Poker, will participate in a panel discussing the landscape of Blockchain in the gaming industry. Other highlights on Day One include a case study on ICOs as well as sessions on big data and AI.

Conference Day Two will focus on Casinos, Clubs & Gaming, where we will discuss the latest regulatory updates, alternative and innovative marketing solutions, esports and many more. Michael Sarquis, Executive Director of Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation QLD, is a panellist on a session exploring the current regulatory landscape in Australia. Karen Gray, Director – Corporate Marketing & Engagement of BCLC, will also share how healthy and responsible players are good for business and revenue. Esports also continues to be one of the hottest topics in the gaming industry, therefore GRWA will look at the opportunities and developments of esports in Australia. Darren Kwan, the President of the Australian Esports Association will be showcasing a real-life case study on successful collaborations with some Australian clubs.

Conference Day Three will take a deep dive into Sports Betting, Racing and Wagering, where the spotlight will be put on the Point-of- Consumption Tax (POCT), the gambling ad ban, innovation in sports betting and racing, esports betting and much more. Stephen Conroy from Responsible Gaming Australia will be sharing his thoughts on the impact of the gambling ad ban during sports events. Learn more about how the ad ban will impact the wagering, broadcasting and sports industry. Furthermore, Andrew Vouris, Country Manager of Unikrn and Hai Ng, Co-Founder of Neomancer LLC & Spawn Point will sit together on a panel unravelling regional and global esports betting opportunities for operators.

For more information about the 9th Annual GRWA, please refer to the official website.

About Gaming Events by Beacon

Beacon Events is the organizer of some of the longest running gaming conferences in the Asia-Pacific region. The company gathers regulators, leading consultants, service providers, operators and affiliates from the online and land-based gaming sectors. Beacon Events understands that Asia and the Asia Pacific region is an energetic market filled with changes and opportunities, and that is why we have new events and workshops to assist gaming executives to stay ahead of the curve.

Beacon Events currently have three conferences that answer the needs of different gaming sectors. This includes:

iGaming Asia Congress (iGA), the longest running dedicated iGaming event in Asia;

Gaming, Racing & Wagering Australia (GRWA), the longest standing gaming conference in the Australian and New Zealand region;

and Asia Gaming Summit (AGS), a conference covering the latest regulatory updates, licensing topics, developments, marketing & diversification trends and innovations in gaming/igaming, online casino, sports betting, eSports and lottery in Asia;

About Beacon Events

For over 20 years, we have been a beacon of inspiration, innovation and thought-leadership, helping businesses chart their course to success with our insightful and industry-focused events.  As an independent events company, Beacon’s expertise lies in producing first class international events that meet the challenges facing executives and businesses today. From Mining, Natural Resources & Commodities, Finance & Investment, Technology, eCommerce to Gaming events, our goal is to provide the perfect platform where senior executives, professionals and industry leaders come together to gain critical market intelligence, network and do business around the globe.

Beacon Events – We inspire with bright ideas and transform business with brilliant events.

Media Enquiry:

Ms. Jennifer Lee / Ms. Louise Lim

Beacon Events