esports betting platform Unikrn shows how serious they are about improving brand storytelling by hiring Heather Antos from Marvel Comics to act as Editor-in-Chief; meVu to open in the summer, and G2 joins ESP.
When you wake up with a child lying on your throat, a slipped eyemask letting the rising sun fire a shot into your bloodshot eye; you can feel a little hard done by. Add a failure to watch Black Panther into the mix, and it’s enough to send the needle into the ballsack.
I just can’t get it done.
My wife wants to watch it with me. To view a Marvel movie alone trumps infidelity such is the impact these marvellous movies have had on our minds.
It’s all about the storytelling.
It’s always been the storytelling, and that’s something nobody understands better than Heather Antos.
Antos joined Marvel Comics as Assistant Editor in 2015 where she spent a vast majority of her time on the Star Wars and Deadpool comics. I mean come on. Pornography cameraman, Manchester United steward, comic strip creator – I can’t think of too many jobs that top that.
Antos can.
The artiste extraordinaire has moved into the world of video game and esports betting as Editor-in-Chief of Unikrn. The moves to Raul Sood’s team sees Ryan Jurado shift to become Head of Global Content.
Antos’s position sees her managing all editorial content, podcast and tournament coverage. It’s a brilliant hire by Sood. Unikrn is more than a website or a betting platform. It’s a heartbeat. And Sood needs you to feel the rhythm of the beat through brand storytelling. Everything that Unikrn does must stay in tune with those beats. Who better to grab the baton and keep this symphony in tune than Antos?
And who can blame her for taking the move?
The comic business has a dark side.
If you follow Antos on social media, you will remember she received a host of threatening comments after she posted a photograph of the female Marvel crew sipping milkshakes in Ben & Jerrys.
And there was me, thinking of leaving my dog to care for my 17-month-year old while I watch Black Panther. I had better not post about that on Twitter.
A Quick Round-Up of Other esports Related Gambling News
Betting on esports continues to have a high profile in Forbes thanks to the sterling work of Darren Heitner. Over the weekend he wrote a piece on meVu, a startup that promises to disrupt the age-old casino industry with a brand spanking new model based on decentralised smart contracts via blockchain technology. The company, who will use a personalised crypto token known as MVU will open for business ahead of the FIFA World Cup in the summer.
G2’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s side has climbed into bed with the ESP Gaming. ESP opened for business in 2014 as a fantasy esports betting site. Traditional esports betting alternatives have since joined the list of options. G2 Esports is a giant in the industry with ties to Logitech, paysafecard and Vodafone amongst others.