An Interview With Odobo’s CEO and Founder Ashley Lang & Legal and Business Affairs Manager Rob Smith


adobo-raise-your-game-inpostThroughout the early stages of the mGaming Summit there was a lot of focus on the apparent lack of top quality products for the mobile device owner who wanted a ‘real money’ gaming experience. Maybe part of the reason behind this is the over-complicated framework of the online gambling regulations, or just simply a lack of knowledge on how to progress in this area of business.

Content is king, and in order to make sure that the crown rests easy on the heads of those that covet it Odobo have breezed into town with a holistic solution. The new HTML5 game developer program as been designed to enable games developers to produce, distribute and monetize their games content for the online regulated gaming industry. Games Developers can focus on their strengths whilst Odobo takes care of the rest of the nonsense.

It’s a vision that sprang forth from the mind of Ashley Lang. A 12-year online gambling stalwart who has held senior executive level, and directorship positions, with both Bet365 & Mansion as well as entrepreneurial endeavors as the co-founder of the Green Room, and is a partner in the poker word game Alphabet, and Granville Games.

Odobo were one of the sponsors of the mGaming Summit and Lang was in attendance with his Legal and Business Affairs Manager Rob Smith. Smith is charged with the task of looking after the identification and contractual management of Odobo’s operators, and developers, and works with Odobo’s executive team on strategic business planning.