It’s been nothing like yesterday in terms of Full Tilt poker newsbut here are the tidbits we picked up today.
With no news coming out of the Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC), the iGaming Post has again been using all the sources open to themselves to paint the best picture of what may have happened inside the hearing’s four walls. They cite two gaming lawyers saying that the length of time taken to make an announcement suggest a continuation of a license suspension. This is backed with evidence from a “reliable source” that they have agreed to extend the suspension in view of their being a “real” investor ready to come forward within four to five weeks. Whether this new investor eats frog’s leg and washes them down with plenty of wine is so far unclear.
The Hendon Mob, who cut their ties with FTP earlier this week, signed a deal with “the godfathers of Genting,” thus securing new money for the site to keep going. The Full Tilt logos that were originally on the site have now completely gone and are replaced with Genting Poker ones. A member of the iPoker network, the site will open up a number of exclusive promotions for anyone that signs up through the Hendon Mob’s site using bonus code MOB. The mobsters kicked out FTP after they found out the money tap had run dry and that the site would have to keep going with no money. Just don’t go walking around Hendon late at night if you’re a Full Tilt. Scrub that. Make that anywhere in the world that you’re likely to be recognized.
Forum posters on 2+2 were earlier today calling out Lee Jones and what did they get…LEE JONES. From the first post it took the PokerStars Head of Home Games a mere 58 minutes to reply. His retort read as follows –
“Hi folks –
As most of you are aware, I work for PokerStars. When you work for a company, and particularly when you’re relatively senior in that company, you can’t just tweet every thought and opinion you have about your employer or the industry that it’s in. That’s one of the compromises you accept when you take the job.
So while I may have opinions about the drama currently going on, it’s not my place to share them.
That said, it’s nice to be asked; thank you.
Regards, Lee”
Being a tablog, Twitter outbursts are something that we enjoy over more than most and we can’t disguise the fact that we’re quite disappointed. Jones coming out via Twitter and expressing his feelings isn’t massively relevant here though. He didn’t work for FTP and PokerStars has paid back its US players – something FTP so far has failed dismally at. Jones, of course, once ran the poker room at the most expensive sweet boutique in the online gaming industry – Cake Poker.
Talking of Cake, Andrew Robl became the latest to throw his two cents into the ring. As for the aforementioned site, along with Everleaf poker, he stated that it’s a fact, “Neither one of these sites had funds segregated as of black Friday.” His tirade extends to cover the dodgy financial goings-on at both poker networks and that Cake had “five million outstanding in funds owed to players and only one million dollars in cash,” before reaching a deal with PokerListings. He also threw a mini hissy fit at the fact he was lied to by Cake management about segregation.
Earlier in the blog, Robl muses about the FTP situation. He states, “Their decision to allow e-check deposits for over a year without any way to verify or deduct funds, especially when these funds became over 50% of their liabilities is the stupidest business practice – EVER.”
Robl continues to explain that to his knowledge the board didn’t know of this practice until after Black Friday. In his eyes the current investment is the only chance US players have of getting their money back and that failing that Ray and the FTP board should foot the bill. It’s his belief that the US government should and will appoint a trustee and liquidator. He doesn’t feel the FTP board is bad people: “Chris Ferguson invested a large % of the money he was paid out (it’s my understanding the majority of the money), in charity projects in Africa.”
“Obviously, it does not excuse full tilt’s mismanagement but I thought it should be included.”
Thanks for that Andrew.
Gus Hansen was too busy doing whatever it is that Gus Hansen does to release a statement himself. We got the next best thing – his butler. According to the comments given to Danish Newspaper EB.dk, the pro never knew what was going on at the company.
Erik Balck Sørensen, said, “Until Black Friday, Gustav was convinced that he was part of an oiled and well-running business machine, with a professional board of directors, who had a clear distinction between player money and money for running the site.
“We do not wish to begin speculating in different scenarios, but if one is to believe the U.S. DoJ, then reality has been much different from what we were told internally.”
Sørensen went on to say, “Gustav has never been near the top of Full Tilt Poker. Maybe they have told him and others things that were not true. It could look like this, but we cannot say anything about this at the time being. Gustav is looking at things critically, and he feels very bad, both for the poker site he has been representing and the players that have still to receive their money”.
He also confirmed that along with god knows how many other poker players, he has a “large due amount tied up with FTP.”
With another member of Team Full Tilt out of the closet, who’s next?
CNN called “former poker champ” Greg Raymer to the stand as he became the latest to get his mug on the telly box. His comments ranged from telling the show “don’t allege that it’s true just because the DoJ says so,” to the case showing that the US needs “tough regulations” and that he “wants Congress to pass a bill.” Raymer also made a veiled swipe at the AGCC by stating the “regulator should require sites to maintain cash reserves,” citing the situation at PokerStars as an example. If your head also hurts after all that, you can either remedy it with some Hendricks Gin or let Dr Phil take care of you…