After all of the hoopla, after all of the investigation by federal prosecutors and after all the time and tax payer’s resources that were spent gathering evidence to bring down the best home-run hitter of all time, still they couldn’t get Barry out. It wasn’t another home run for Barry in the court room, but, as he usually does, he’ll take the walk.
The federal jury was hung on almost every charge against Bonds but did find Bonds guilty of obstruction of justice, which is basically a love tap on the wrist considering what federal prosecutors were after. So Bonds has beaten the trial of his life for the most part, and really, he made it look easy. The witnesses that the federal prosecutors brought to trial were a joke. Even if you believed in your heart that Bonds was guilty on all charges, no one in their right mind felt comfortable taking the word of the witnesses that the prosecutors brought to the stand. They might as well have put Mark Fuhrman on the stand.
I just hope that when Bonds raises that glass of Cristal, he pours out a little for Greg Anderson. Shit, snitches must get stitches where he’s from.
It’s a small victory for Bonds’ haters as the slugger acknowledged that he took steroids but said trainer Greg Anderson misled him into believing they were flaxseed oil and arthritis cream. So now Bonds is in the same boat as Andy Pettitte and A-Rod, a phenomenal player that took steroids, so now what?
The unfortunate thing is, before Bonds had his day in court and faced his jury, many of the baseball writers and experts that hold his fate for Cooperstown with their votes, had already made their decision.
Before federal prosecutors waste anymore tax payer’s money and everyone’s time going after another baseball player (Roger Clemens) I hope for their sake they actually do some investigating and come up with some real evidence, instead of this “he said, she said” bullshit from mistresses and jaded acquaintances.
If they do get Clemens for perjury, he can always say his statements weren’t intended to be factual.