A new study conducted by Nielsen, the same group that tracks television ratings and statistics has discovered a rather interesting trend with smartphones. It seems that while Asian people love the iPhone, black people hate it.
If one truly thinks about it, it’s quite easy to understand. Sure, the iPhone is sleek, and fairly easy to use, but it’s outside appearance is rather boring. But of course Asians love it, it’s much easier to play video games with and there’s even a kareoke app. No contest.
According to the Nielsen results, black people are more attracted to the Blackberry. Perhaps the bling in the keys and the curvy features of the Blackberry are more attractive to that demographic.
Here’s the kicker. The Nielsen results indicate almost identical usage between white people and Hispanic people’s smartphone use. Both the white and Hispanic demographic show that use between iPhones, Android and Blackberry is almost identical between the two. Which means that contrary to what some may think, particularly in Arizona, the two demographics have plenty in common, at least as far as smartphones are concerned.
Aside from the play on stereotypes, the results do indicate that Android, Blackberry and iPhone are converging on a point where each will hold relatively equal market shares. It means Android has closed the gap rather quickly. But as Jason Chen writes in an article in Gizmodo, this may change in the next two quarters with the Verizon iphone.