The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board lottery numbers have been revealed, and the jackpot of $315,760 was awarded to three different law enforcement agencies. The grants will be used to fund programs into the prevention of illegal gambling within the commonwealth.
Grants were approved under the Local Law Enforcement Grant Program, and are the first to be awarded since amendments to the state legislature were made in January of this year. This means that grants of up to $2million each year can be awarded to help enforce the laws related to illegal gambling, or the prosecution of these crimes.
The money itself comes from the revenues that are generated by video slot machines, and three lucky jackpot winners are:
Swatara Township Police Department in Dauphin County – $42,400, Borough of Freeland Police Department in Luzerne County – $23,370, and Pennsylvania State Police – $249,990.
Gaming Control Board Chairman, Greg Fait, commented: “These grants go a long way in helping law enforcement offset the cost of uncovering and investigating illegal gambling operations, and then prosecuting violators.
“Most importantly, shutting down operations which contribute no tax revenue to the citizens of the Commonwealth is important in stabilizing and maximizing revenues at the tax-producing Pennsylvania licensed casinos.”
Note to self: get down to Penn., and make myself a law enforcement agency. Recruit Vinnie Jones, Danny Dyer, and Vin Diesel