If Tiger thought leaving the United States would offer some sort of reprieve from the tabloids, paparazzi, and prying questions of reporters, he was certainly mistaken. The British Open has served as nothing but an open forum for media outlets to get their shots in at Woods. Read more.
Unfortunately for Woods, his play hasn’t exactly silenced the critics, but then again, how could it? Woods is in the middle of an extremely high profile and high cost divorce, he has to continue to compete when he would probably rather spend time with his children and he’s probably not 100 percent healthy, it’s really no wonder he’s not at the top of his game. Who would be? If we’re to be real, he’s got a lot of nerve to even be out there facing the music. The question I have to ask is, objectively speaking, is all this attention truly justified?
I understand he’s a huge public figure and his dirty laundry has been all over the news, but when is enough? What’s done is done, it’s in the past, Woods has paid dearly, giving the endorsements he’s lost and his costly divorce settlement, which I will say right now in my personal opinion, is downright outrageous. I guess the media at the British Open is finally getting their chance to get on Woods, but they’re a little late, the whole thing is old news. The real story should be about how no one in golf has stepped up to be great in Tiger’s absence, but no one wants to talk about that.
The truth is, golf needs Tiger. It needs a star. It seems someone new always climbs out of woodwork to win a major, nobody dominates the game like Woods. That’s why people care about his personal life so much, he was in many ways bigger than the game. It was foretold that Woods would break all of the records and become the greatest golfer of all time, and not a soul didn’t believe that was true. But now, the media has turned him into a sideshow of sorts. There should be fair warning to those reporters who go too far, Woods is still young and fit, we may very well be talking about this man in the next 5 years as the greatest golfer of all time, at that point, it wouldn’t be fun to be on his shit list, which, needless to say, sadly must be growing by the minute.