Channel 4 has tasked Good Egg Productions and Channel X Productions with the job of creating a new poker entertainment show and Celebrity Poker Home Game is being born.
If you are British and love your poker, then you will no doubt remember Late Night Poker.
It was the surprise package for Channel 4 in the early 2000s pulling in larger audiences that the channel’s top soap opera Brookside. It turned the likes of Dave ‘Devilfish’ Ulliott and The Hendon Mob into legends of the game. It created the world’s greatest commentator in Jesse May. It was a timeless classic.
There has never been anything like it.
Could that change?
Channel 4 are preparing to give it a go.
According to a press release picked up at iGaming Business the coolest channel of them all has assigned Good Egg Productions and the BAFTA award-winning Channel X Productions with the task of creating a brand new poker show. The duo has already shot a non-broadcast television pilot, and they think they are on to a winner.
The new show is called Celebrity Poker Home Game. As the title suggests each week, a well-known poker-loving celebrity will host a home game at their gaff with the winner going forward to a season-ending finale.
The show intends to allow the voyeurs to take a Through the Keyhole look at the celebrities home, learn about the friends they socialise with and get in on some cracking poker action.
‘The chip stacks are deep and the structure player friendly,” boasts the press release.
The project will be an Advertiser Funded Production (AFP) meaning advertisers will pay to have their products integrated into the shooting of the series rather than the old school method of selling advertising space around the content. They are currently on the lookout for potential sponsors to partner with branding opportunities and promise a ‘strong roster of celebrity players.’
Late Night Poker began when a daring production company by the name of Presentable charged a dynamic young innovator by the name of Rob Gardner to think of a way to create a compelling TV show.
He thought poker was the answer.
It was.
Could it be that way again?