I have to admit it’s a strange feeling knowing that it’s all coming to an end. I never actually thought that I would be here when they flipped the switch and turned off the lights at Calvinayre.com. I wouldn’t trade my time at Calivnayre.com for anything else in my professional career, it’s been an amazing ride. My pitch to get my foot in the door was simple, I wanted to work for the Rolling Stone of the casino world and without a doubt, it’s been the greatest education in my writing career.
My motivation for working at Calvinayre.com was having the privilege to work with some of the best creative minds in the gambling industry.
I want to thank Calvin for creating a platform that speaks to the gambling industry in a unique voice. He’s a guy who is not afraid to back his creative team, even in the face of a tough industry story. While Calivinayre.com is evolving, I will be following how he brings the same passion for business to the world of Bitcoin SV.
Calvinayre.com Editor-in-Chief, Bill Beatty – the Michael Kinsley of the gambling world. Bill just possesses that same rare gift of creating great writers. You won’t meet a more genuine guy that Bill, and I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities to learn so much about the casino business, writing and how I see the world.
Lead reporter Rebecca Liggero Fontana for taking me under her wing. You won’t meet a more generous soul than Becky. She shares this unbridled passion for the casino and tech space, that is just contagious and I’m glad I got to experience that unabashed joy for the gambling industry.
I want to thank Derek Tonin, my editor who I would speak with every day I worked at Calvinayre.com. I’m grateful for the opportunity I have had to work with Derek. He’s an editor who doesn’t shy away from the blunt criticism and its inspiring being on the other end of the call. He’s a guy you would want in the foxhole right next to you, someone who isn’t afraid to give the blunt truth and also celebrate the wins with you.

There’s a huge team of writers, video editors and IT developers who have made Calvinayre.com this huge success. Raise a glass to them, they have helped turn this site into the success that it is.
Personally, the journey at Calvinayre.com has been about the great people I’ve been lucky enough to work with. It’s a rare thing in the world to be able to find great people to work with. I want to thank two former bosses who encouraged me to chase my passions in this industry. AD, a former Calvinayre.com editor and T2 who took a chance on me as well.
I don’t know what I’m going to be doing next, but I know I want to stay in the casino industry. It’s an industry I always come back to and love.
Reach out anytime for a laugh, talk shop or share ideas. I can be found on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Muckrack.