partypoker launches new Diamond Club with Patrick Leonard at the helm

Partypoker launches new Diamond Club with Patrick Leonard at the helm

Partypoker buck the trend by launching a new VIP program that promises 50% Rakeback and a host of other bonuses, while at the same time deterring predatory players.

It’s interesting, with so many Rakeback based Loyalty Programs lying in the morgue that partypoker decide to launch one.

Very often, in the online poker world, everyone likes to zig when everyone else is zigging, so it’s a pretty picture to see someone zag.

Partypoker launches new Diamond Club with Patrick Leonard at the helmThere is a beautiful perfume filled aroma coming from the morgue, and it smells like a party.

The key to any business is understanding what our customers value. We make assumptions. We send them surveys. But the best way to understand value is to take a pew, watch and learn.

Partypoker is not ploughing a lonely furrow. They are on a double-date with Patrick Leonard. The former PocketFives World Number One joined partypoker’s stable in April and did so on the proviso that they would have the player’s best interests at heart, and if anyone knows what those best interests are it’s Leonard.

Undeterred by the stigma of Rakeback schemes, partypoker released details of their new Cashback Loyalty Program last week, and have quickly followed that up with news of a new VIP program.

The Diamond Club promises to take care of players who want to become the fulcrum of the partypoker community and punish those who prefer the nomadic gipsy lifestyle of dipping in and out of games to take a bite of the occasional fish.

If you have the time to earn 100,000 points ($100,000) over a 12-month period, then partypoker has your back. You will continue to receive cashback rewards on a weekly basis, with the additional cashback and bonuses landing in your account once you have hit that milestone with a wrecking ball. If you hit the mark earlier than 12-months, then the rewards flow into your purse, immediately.

The new move gives top-tier grinders the ability to earn up to 50% Rakeback and other VIP bonuses, including 24/7 customer service via Skype from a newly formed Diamond Club Customer Service team. Patrick Leonard will personally oversee the new program, listen to feedback, and tweak accordingly.

So there you have it.

Players who have lambasted PokerStars for their decision to destroy the Supernova Elite program now have a new alternative. If you want in, then contact the Diamond Club Customer Service team at, and the fluffing will begin.