is launching internationally, having successfully launched in Denmark as a “proof of conceptmarket” earlier in the year. Allowing users to bet on financial markets, BetOnFinance will fill a unique spot within international betting.
Anyone can bet on stocks and profits are tax free! Why isn’t it possible to bet on stocks and at the same time improve your investment skills without having big savings at hand? This is the question that BetOnFinance aims to address, with its team of expertise comprising more than 30 years of experience within financial markets and the gaming industry. We provide betting on individual stocks in a way that makes the stock market accessible to anyone.
”We have seen stock markets continuously moving higher since the financial crisis reached its peak creating significant interest for investing in the stock market. This combined with the volatile stock markets witnessed over the past year, m akes the timing ideal,” says founder Jeff Saul.
Players can make profits on the market whether stocks go up or down. Also they will never lose any more than their initial stake, which can be as low as 1 Euro, as opposed to leveraged products such as spread betting.
As entertaining as sports betting and educational at the same time Despite the reputation of financial betting, the concepts available on are super simple. For example the ‘Stock Race’ is comparable to a horse race, where the horses have been replaced with stocks, and ‘Index Games’ (US NASDAQ 100, Swedish OMX S30 and the Danish OMX C20 and more on the way) allows users bet on how much the market will go up or down.
Index Game
“ The Index Game is for both individuals with knowledge about the stock market and newcomers wanting to try their hand at the stock market in an uncomplicated way. In this game, you just have to bet on how much the stock market will rise or fall. Meanwhile Stock Race presents you with a choice of 30 stocks and you have to select the best or worst performers,” explains Jeff Saul.
Stock Race
”We are very pleased with the positive market response we have had in our test country Denmark. The new product made headlines both in betting related communities and several times in the business and financial newspapers and national TV. It confirmed that the product is innovative and we have seen significantly higher activity per customer than expected. We are very much looking forward to offering our games to international players”, says board member Lars DamJohnsen.
Bigger pools equal bigger taxfreewinnings!The average win by players betting on the correct %changein the Index Games is settled atstaggering odds of 18.6 morethan 17/1. BetOnFinance believes that attractive profitopportunities, as these clearly lay the foundation for bigger pools. “It’s like the hen and eggsituation. You need critical mass before the pool sizes become really attractive and there is no doubt,that the added volume from international players will make the pools grow significantly,” says Jeff Saul.
Improves your investment skills
Saul adds: ”Our players say that the games provide them with unique new tools and knowledge thatbenefit them in the real stock market, as well as enabling them to profit from the investor skills thatthey might already have.”
Furthermore with these new stock market games, you can profit, entirely taxfree(at least withinthe EU) on the stock market several times a day. The Index Game is already a reliable forecastingtool for the direction of the Danish and the US stock market before they open and soon theSwedish will follow thiswill undoubtedly benefit investors in the real stock market goingforward.
Strong team behind the company
The team, which is made up of profiles ranging from the creators of the world famous“Hitman”gamesto personalities from business and finance, is being led by the former global headof the equities business at Saxo Bank and CEO of Euroinvestor Jeff Saul. ”We have gathered a teamwith strong capabilities within both financial markets and game development and this combinationhas enabled us to identify a gap in the market and to develop this unique new concept for which wesee a significant global market potential,” says Chairman Stig Holledig. The global online gamblingmarket is growing at an annual pace of 1015%.Combine this with significant interest in the stockmarket, and BetOnFinance anticipates that it will be entering a significant growth phase.