The Antiguan Government has created the bold target of building no less than 500 new homes in 500 days. It is projects like these that need the support of those who have enjoyed the islands hospitality and long-term local resident Calvin Ayre has again pledged to help the country he now calls home. Ayre will add US $2,000,000 to help make this brilliant project a reality.
Canadian-born Ayre commented: “I love Antigua as so many that visit year in, year out do as well and, therefore, think its only right to continue to give something back by way of saying ‘thank you’ to the wonderful people of this beautiful island.”
The project is designed to increase home ownership and will be aimed at public sector organizations in an attempt to help satisfy the housing shortage among their members.
The new ABLP administration wants to empower local builders with specific incentives to make it easier for them to develop housing projects.
For further information please contact:
The Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and the Environment on
+ 1 (268) 462 1007 or email