The gambling industry is a place where a fresh bout of criticism from those outside is never too far away. Whether it be complaints about problem gambling or just the fact that they’re jealous we’re having more fun than them you can be sure it’s never far away. Every so often there’s a breath of fresh air that appears to doubt all the neigh-sayers and show that gambling isn’t the devil incarnate.
Dr Patrick Basham is not so much a breath as a gale-force wind full of fresh uninhibited O2. His book entitled Gambling: A Healthy Bet suggests that gambling is beneficial to an individual’s development whatever their age. His view that longstanding misconceptions have produced a “carefully choreographed long term public health campaign against gambling and your industry,” seem to go against the many criticisms that are always around.
The good news is that you too can experience the views and thoughts of Basham in a number of different ways. If you haven’t already purchased his book, then it’s available on Amazon at the following link. It’s currently sold out, saying something for the respect and interest in this guy’s views.
Another way to catch Basham is at the many events that he will be attending. The next of these is on Wednesday 15th June as he takes part in a Voices of Freedom Debate entitled “Is There Happiness Without Risk?” Pre-debate drinks are at 6:15pm with the shebang kicking off at 7pm at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1.
His site, the Democracy Institute is also well worth a look and we will be publishing his esteemed views right here on the tablog in the weeks, months and years to come.