Two little ducks were walking by a stream wondering where they were going to get their bingo fix from. “Where are we going to get our bingo fix from?” said one little duck. The other little duck replied, “I believe there could be a new site out there made for little ducks just like us”. So, off they waddled to Fruitybingo.com and man and boy, were they right.
Fruitybingo does what it says on the tin of Vaseline. It caters for an uncovered part of the gaming society; the gay player. Companies in the past have often discussed the pink pound demographic, but after lots of bish, bosh and bashing they have decided that it is something that doesn’t need addressing.
But Fruitybingo have put the letter in the envelope, sealed, stamped and sent it. They have built a site for gay men by gay men. There is a regular blog from John that covers a small part of his daily activity as a gay man in London. It reminds me of the activity of a certain MD I used to work for, come to think of it – he did always wear pink trousers… hmmm…
Once players have signed up they can then design themselves an avatar for use in the chat rooms and community sections. I don’t think this is what James Cameron had in mind, but I suspect the plotlines in the chat rooms are more creative than the stuff in his movies.
Players can flirt and chat, dab, buy strips and generally have a gay old time. And aside from bingo, players can try their luck at Pride Poker, featuring the manliest cards around. They can also check out the slot machine at the Parrot Club before paying a visit to the boys by the pool at the Big Splash (some interesting trunks are worn).
So, if you’ve been sitting behind your desk for the last few years itching to open that closet door an inch or two, then Fruitybingo may well be a good starting point (especially if bingo is also on your mind). Go on, you know you want to – it has to be better than a touch of frottage in a dark stationary cupboard. Apparently.