90 Digital CEO Nick Garner gives us tips on proper timing of link building for your website ranking in this edition of CalvinAyre.com’s SEO Tip of the Week.
Timing SEO with major events- how to plan your link building to coincide with big events such as world cup without setting off red flags and getting a human review from Google
Hi this is my SEO tip of the week – extended version!
If I were aiming to rank on World Cup phrases, I would do this:
- For at least 6 months beforehand I would steadily build links to various parts of the site I wanted to rank and about 2 days before peak rankings, I would do a set of 301’s on the site pointing all the internal and external pagerank on the site to the relevant part of the site I wanted to rank. ( Did this for world cup 2010 and it worked really well, but I’m not 100% sure you could get away with it now – my guess is you can)
- I would concentrate the content on the page I want to rank, around the core phrases I care about. I have noticed that thematic density is important i.e. its not the length of the text, its the focus on a particular theme or keywords that counts.
- There is cause and effect on new links and subsequent rankings. Based on my experience and research of spammer sites, there is a 3 week lag between new links and rankings. So I would organise a big last link building campaign for (obviously) 4 weeks before peak rankings. are needed.
- And one BIG non SEO tip: I would have an include on the site above the fold and render a big call to action banner that would only be in place for the peak rankings and peak acquisition times. If its a GIF or JPEG, you are not messing with the onsite optimisation, so you should not disturb the onsite SEO balance of the site. And from that you can win some new accounts!