We’ve been following the crazy predictions of Harold Camping for a while now. You remember this nut ball; he’s the one that predicted the world would come to an end today, May 21 2011.
If you believe the end of the world is upon us, implore you to spend your last waning moments with your loved ones but if you’re like the rest of the generally sane people of world, we can have a few jokes at Mr. Camping’s expense.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave his two cents concerning the end of the world telling John Gambling, “The world cannot end tomorrow. You know why? Because it can’t end at least until the Knicks win a championship again. We’ve got a long time to go!” He then joked that the rapture would solve New York City’s parking problems, “If the world does end tomorrow, alternate side parking will be suspended.”
Most apocalyptic nuts never make the news until they are found dead, castrated in a white sheet with Kool-Aid stains down their chest but Camping had a bit of a bankroll behind him. He was able to put together a full media blitz that included radio and billboard promos. I guess it’s money well spent as the saying goes, you can’t take it with you.
This isn’t the first time Camping called for the end, he had predicted the end was coming in 1994 but I think he forgot to carry the one in his mathematics of madness.
People around the world have been using Camping’s rapture predictions for a bit of fun. Atheists in the US are having Rapture parties, I guess it’s to celebrate all the new parking spaces they’ll have in downtown New York.
Even Camping is hedging his bets, there are rumours the 89-year-old preacher turned down a hard offer of cash for his house and car.
If by some chance Harold Camping is right and the Rapture starts today, I have a pretty good feeling a few of us will be left behind. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to head to Dublin for the iGaming Super Show and check out the CalvinAyre.com one year anniversary party on May 25? The Seven Deadly Sins party will celebrate Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Pride, Greed and my personal favourite Lust.
I did have a scary thought concerning this rapture; I just hope this all isn’t a massive PR stunt promoting the next M. Night Shyamalan movie. Oh well, here’s some REM while we wait.