Bacta has confirmed the promotion of Simon Bradbury to the newly created post of Head of Social Responsibility and Compliance. ‘Brad’ who joined bacta in 2014 serving as Regional Compliance Officer covering the Midlands, North West, Yorks and Lincs region, will succeed Phil Silver who retires on November 23rd, closing a three decade span working with the association.

Commenting on the new position, John White, Chief Executive at bacta said: “I am delighted to welcome Brad to this new post, the creation of which reflects the central importance that we as an association place on ensuring that social responsibility is the dominant culture within our member organisations. It is also very important that the transition is a seamless one and that we uphold the very high standards that Phil has helped to maintain. In these respects Brad is an ideal appointment for bacta and its members and I look forward to working along side him in this incredibly important role.”
Brad, who enjoyed a successful career with the Police Force, retiring from the West Midlands Constabulary as an Inspector in 2013, said: “During the last three years I have developed great respect for the work of bacta as an effective and progressive organisation and a close affinity with members in the Midlands, North West, Yorks and Lincs region. My new, expanded role will put me in contact with bacta members throughout the country and I look forward to building the same calibre relationships that will help reflect the industry’s commitment to social responsibility.”