Brighton Palace Pier CEO receives industry award

Brighton Palace Pier CEO receives industry award

Anne Martin, Chief Executive Officer, The Brighton Pier Group plc, has been recognised for her services to the amusements industry. Anne, who was appointed to the newly created role as Chief Executive of the company in June 2017, received the Bacta Community Award from the association’s President, Gabi Stergides at a presentation held on Brighton Palace Pier.

Brighton Palace Pier CEO receives industry award
Anne Martin, Chief Executive Officer, The Brighton Pier Group plc, receives the Bacta Community Award from Bacta Chief Executive, John White (right) and Bacta President, Gabi Stergides

Reflecting on the award Gabi Stergides said: “The vast majority of Britain’s piers are financed by privately owned companies who rely on the revenue they generate to sustain and protect what are jewels in the seaside crown. For over 120 years Brighton Palace Pier was the only totally privately-funded conservation project in the UK and the biggest revenue stream for Britain’s piers is the income derived from amusement machines.

“Under Anne’s leadership the business has enjoyed consistent growth and is a landmark which reflects the fantastic vibrancy and energy you experience when visiting Brighton and Hove. The 4.6m people a year who visit the pier eclipse the numbers attending the V&A, the Science Museum, the Tower of London and Stonehenge. There’s no doubt that Bacta members, including The Brighton Pier Group plc, play a central role in helping to keep the tourism proposition fresh and attractive, and in the process make a huge contribution to seaside economies throughout the country.”

Commenting on the industry recognition, Anne Martin said: “I am delighted with the award and would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Brighton Pier team members for their dedication and support over the past 13 years since I first came to Brighton.”

About Bacta:
Bacta represents the amusement and gaming machine industry in the UK, encompassing high-tech and creative manufacturers, machine suppliers for pubs, clubs and bingo halls, as well as operators of Family Entertainment Centres and over 18s Gaming Centres. Bacta members include the whole of the amusement machine supply chain in the UK, which has a collective turn-over of nearly £2bn across more than 500 companies, operating in excess of 310,000 machines.

Media Enquiries:
John White, CEO, Bacta:
020 7730 6444
07875 687370

Anne Martin, CEO, Brighton Pier Group plc: