Guides Affiliates on How To Boost Their Website Conversions Guides Affiliates on How To Boost Their Website Conversions

Once you’ve earned the click and have a visitor on your site, how do you most effectively convince them to sign up for your iGaming offers? Raising Click Through Rates is fine, but raising conversion rateis way better. Guides Affiliates on How To Boost Their Website ConversionsOn  TuesdayOctobe21 a9:00 aPST/ 4:00 pGMTCAP will be joining forces with Conversion Expert, Alex Moss, director of FireCask, for a Free & Live Webinar that will reveal how you can improve your site to attract more visitors using a combination of content and social structured data, as well as increasing your conversion rate by improving the user experience.

Webinar Attendees will be able to takeaway the following essential keys to hit the ground running with conversion boosters:

•    Achievable strategies to increase your conversion rates

•    Mistakes to avoid that destroy your conversion rate

•    How to keep customers without wasting ad spend.

•    Mistakes iGaming affiliates make to ruin their conversion rates

•    Simple, practical solutions they can use to boost your conversion rate

•    Real world case studies illustrating what’s possible

•    And more!

Sponsored by iGB Affiliate’s Barcelona Affiliate Conference 2014, this webinar will give  a great sneak peek to Alex’s planned learning session as well as detailed information on the renowned industry conference. The free webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21 at 9:00 am PST/ 4:00 pm GMT and is open to all, but subject to space availability.  To reserve your spot, visit here:

Notes to Editor

For inquiries regarding this press release and the webinar, please contact Marketing Manager Michaela McNamara, at CAP on +1 714 596 9000 ext. 3011 or email (CAP) is the world’s largest online gaming affiliate marketing community, and is the Internet’s primary location for online gaming brands and affiliate marketers  to come together and do business. In 2013, CAP launched the official CAP Network. Comprised of both well­‐known and up-­‐and-­‐coming prosperous iGaming affiliate programs, the network is focused on the success of its affiliates. Registetoday!