New Delhi introduce latest security measure

langursAs the Commonwealth Games fast approaches, it’s finally been revealed as to why there were animals running around the athletes village for the weeks leading up to the event – it was the security personnel training in preparation for the beginning of the games next week. This all comes as India have announced that a large monkey that is commonplace in southern Asia, the langur, will be deployed to keep smaller simians from causing any trouble.

New Delhi’s Municipal Council explained that they will put 10 langurs on duty at several venues around the city today, becoming more in number when the games get underway on Saturday. Apparently though, monkeys often roam throughout the city causing havok and even resulting in the death of someone falling from a balcony only a couple of years ago.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if these games have already been plagued by problems, many of them animal related, how is something with a relatively small brain likely to help irradicate this and security problems? Although maybe the Indians know something we don’t – if this event’s anything to go by their country does seem to be overrun with all manner of animals, I’m not sure whether the sacred cows that roam the streets of Delhi is merely them described their other halves in a positive/negative manner.