It’s likely that some of you reading this are doing so from the cubicle at the online gaming company office where you work, a hellish prison cell from which you’re dying to escape, only you never do, because you don’t have anywhere else to go. Then one day it hits you – you’re good at your job, so why not start your own company, and perform the same task for your new boss — YOU.
After all, Calvin Ayre famously staked his last $10G on a longshot bet that ultimately became the Bodog Brand. Why not you? Sufficiently motivated, you hand in your two weeks notice, hang out your own shingle, and that’s when you discover there’s a whole lot more to running a business than the narrow task you used to perform at your old place of employment. Not only do you lack proper business training, you lack the Entrepreneurial Mindset. What is that? Find out here.