SEO Tip of the Week: Black hat exposed – Spamming engagement rank

SEO Tip of the Week: Black hat exposed - Spamming engagement rank

90 Digital CEO Nick Garner talks about Spamming engagement rank in this edition of’s SEO Tip of the Week.

Engagement rank is a massive ranking factor which can be gamed by spammers

Summary: as much as I dislike dirty spammers, they are useful for showing the rest of us what Google responds to. One of the more recent spammer trends is click through rate manipulation of search results. They do this in two ways:

by using crowd sourced people to click on certain search results, therefore affecting rankings

using bots to artificially inflate, or deflate click through rates on search results

Tip1 : instead of trying to fake it, sort out your engagement levels by making a better website with a better call to action and a better brand promise, than the next person.

Tip2 : if you’re thinking of buying a click bot, remember that Google is very good at identifying click fraud from paid search. It’s easy for them to use this technology on organic search results to zero out the effect of fake clicks.