launches the clean energy ‘Bet on 0GREEN’ challenge launches the clean energy ‘Bet on oGREEN’ challenge

The Bet on 0GREEN challenge aims for the online gaming industry to be powered by clean, renewable energy. launches the clean energy ‘Bet on oGREEN’ challengeWith energy consumption increasing year-by-year and the significant direct impact it has on climate change, it is now the time for the iGaming industry to make a stand and tackle this problem head-on.

The website, the mind behind the project that we are going to describe, has already taken the first steps in this direction by switching to a green hosting provider and by supporting an organization committed on changing how the world manages its resources: the Global Footprint Network. However, its efforts alone are not enough, despite their importance. This is why it is inviting its peers and colleagues within the online gaming industry to welcome its “Bet on 0GREEN” challenge.

A quick overview of the Bet on 0GREEN initiative

Online gaming depends on energy-consuming technologies; simply put, without them this industry would not exist. However, we do not have to rely on coal-fired power stations. In fact, there are many on-going initiatives promoting clean, renewable energy that can be explored and supported in order to avoid carbon emissions.

“Bet on 0GREEN” is an acronym that stands for Bet on Online Gambling with REnewable ENergy. The ultimate goal of this project is to lead an entire industry to run on clean energy; to care for its carbon footprint; and to act in a responsible way towards today’s environmental issues.

How it works

There are many different players in the gaming industry ranging from well-established gambling entertainment brands and software houses, to payment providers and independently-owned comparison websites. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry that continues to grow every year. This is why truly believes that by joining forces, we can all create a positive impact.

Joining the initiative could not be simpler. challenges all those who work within the online gaming sector to actively engage and “raise” the bet on the project by making donations to their favourite organizations that promote environmental awareness and renewable energy, adopting hosting services powered by clean energy, or simply avoiding the use of disposable plastic in their offices.

The team behind said, “The idea of Bet on 0GREEN came from a team meeting. Our staff are passionate about protecting the environment and it was suggested that we should run our website on renewable energy.” They continued, “We know that one small website won’t make much impact but if everyone involved in the industry stood up together; now, that would be impressive. And, so Bet On 0GREEN was born. We’ve already started funding clean energy projects and we hope many others will join us and do the same.”

All the information about the initiative can be found here.