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Steve Wynn holds back support for Donald Trump

It’s the season of political endorsements in the United States, and several bosses in Las Vegas are already announcing who they will back in the November election—except for Steve Wynn, who has decided to stay on the sidelines this time around.

The outspoken CEO and chairman of Las Vegas-based Wynn Resorts announced that he will not vote for his friend and longtime business rival Donald Trump in his presidential run. But neither is the self-identified Democratic Party supporter endorsing his party’s presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton.

“I’m a friend of Donald Trump but I have not supported either candidate in the presidency as yet—I’m friendly with Bill Clinton, I know Hillary,” Wynn told Bloomberg.

The casino boss is tired of the political mudslinging between the two candidates, telling the news outlet that he yearns “for a more adult discussion.”

“I’m hoping our conversation in America in this campaign gets to be more substantive, about the real issue facing us at the moment and that is a constantly increasing deficit in the government,” Wynn said.

If you recall, the outspoken CEO went on a tirade about the presidential elections several weeks ago, telling analysts that neither Trump nor Clinton has addressed the “self-destructive” monetary and fiscal policy that will soon cripple the entire country.

Wynn’s move not to back either of the candidates comes as several high-profile businessmen voice their opposition against Trump, who continues to spew out controversial comments that many—including members of the Republican Party—believe will cost the party the White House in November.

MGM Resorts CEO Jim Murren, a lifelong registered Republican, announced this week that he is putting his party aside to endorse Clinton who has a “solution-oriented approach” to matters including trade and energy policy, whereas Trump “operates erratically and unpredictably—qualities the market abhors and punishes.”

Trump has already secured the backing of Las Vegas Sands boss Sheldon Adelson, although it remains to be seen if this endorsement will translate to a financial commitment.

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