Lee Davy continues his confessions of a writer series by airing his views on style, voice and individualism.
When you write, who do you want to be?
Not sure?
Then I have a tip for you.
Just be you.
If you want to be someone else then perhaps a Fancy Dress party is in order. There is no place for a mask in writing. Writing is not Venice. Writing is open, airy, free and most of all it’s all about you.
When I first started writing I had this thought in my head. I am not sure where it came from, but it was loud and clear.
“Write what you like to read.”
And so I did.
After some time I realized that I like to read the world of people who have the same way of articulating their thought process as me. This led me to the understanding that I like who I am, what I represent and the values and beliefs that underpin every decision I make.
In short…I like the sound of my own voice.
Now if I like it, perhaps other people might like it to?
You don’t need to be a published writer to pass the taste test on this one. What happens when you immerse yourself in social functions? Do you have a voice? Do people like listening to what you have to say? Do people seek your opinion and drool over the answers? Do you make people laugh? Do you stand out?
Different is interesting. Imagine being the same as everyone else. How boring would that be? If everybody wrote in the same way then the jobs would all go to those who wrote quicker, had lower prices, and who were punctual. All-important components of the job; but they don’t get you THE job.
Isn’t life much easier when things come to you, rather than you trying to find them?
This happens when you have your own voice, and this voice transposes itself onto paper. Drop your guts onto that sheet. Dirty it. Mess it up. Leave your entrails all over it.
When I write I write as I think and as I talk. I try not to be someone else. If I did I would lose myself. My work would become lifeless, loose and lethargic. When I am who I am the ideas flow, the fingers dance and the person sitting next to me gets annoyed at all the noise.
Tap, tap, tap…tap.
Why do you think people read what you write anyway?
Are you reading this now because you want to become a poker writer, or are you reading this because I wrote it? Do you like my style, my voice, my use of words? Do you like the way it flows, and the way that I string things together? If you do then you will probably like me.
People read what you write because they like you. They are interested in you, and if they cannot sit down and shoot the shit over a cup of water, then the next best thing is to read you.
They hire you, not your words. It’s who you are that is important.
So if you want to be a poker writer then don’t waste your time trying to figure out the style that people want.
Just be who you are.