Danny McBride, the star of the hilarious comedy series Eastbound N Down has taken the character Kenny Powers on a full marketing blitz with K-Swiss athletic wear.
Old Spice may be credited with taking this over-the-top in your face- comical marketing approach to the masses and K- Swiss appears to be trying to follow that lead.
The marketing genius here is that there is a cult-like following of viewers who love anything Kenny Powers related and these viewers are also generally sports fans. K-Swiss has attempted to reach this fan base by using the fictional Kenny Powers (Danny McBride) in what has become among the most popular viewed YouTube commercials on the Internet.
K-Swiss has Kenny Powers featured in commercials selling cologne like only Kenny Powers can.
Of course, it has to be questioned whether K-Swiss is spending way too much money to market their brand, if so, thank goodness, because these commercials are beyond funny.
It seems cologne commercials were just the beginning, here’s a hilarious commercial of Kenny Powers as a K-Swiss CEO.