Papua New Guinea (PNG) isn’t about the miss the mobile online gambling gravy train; they’ve allowed the introduction of a lottery using the country’s mobile phone network.
No lobbying, no protesting, just progress. The Papua New Guinea National Gaming Control Board has already issued PPNG Lotto a license to introduce lottery to mobile hand held devices. Personally, I already have some concerns on the security of this will work, considering people lose and get their mobile phones stolen all the time.
PNG has linked up with Irish mobile phone company Digicel, to use its network to allow people to play the lotto with their mobile phones, all a user needs to do is text the entry number for a fee and keep their fingers crossed that the winning numbers roll their way. As I said before, there is some concern about the security of this, as players are only required to present their phone number and SIM to collect their prize money.
Regardless, like anything mobile these days, it’s sure to be a huge success, and makes playing the lottery so ridiculously convenient, too bad it’s still the lottery and the chances of winning are almost slim to never.