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Alleged Pinnacle owner resolves legal charges
Steven Stradbrooke
Alleged Pinnacle Sports owner Stanley Tomchin swaps 56 felony counts for a single class B misdemeanor in deal with Queens District Attorney.
Caesars robbers arrested; Revel execs get bonuses
Steven Stradbrooke
Five suspects arrested after $180k heist from Caesars Atlantic City; bankruptcy judge approves controversial bonus plan for Revel execs.
Tax evasion charges against Lionel Messi
Kirby Garlitos
After losing the World Cup finals to Germany, Lionel Messi will be facing tax fraud allegations back in Spain.
Becky's Affiliated: Importance of market segmentation & tailored service in Asia
Rebecca Liggero
GRWA conference is coming up and while the focus is mostly on Australia, there will be some discussion on Asia's goldmine of gambling market.
Gaming Industry Innovators: Jez San
Jez San is most commonly known as the PKR.com founder, yet his accomplishments go far beyond the creation of an online poker site.
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WatchandWager Launches Affiliate Programme
WatchandWager has launched a new affiliate programme in partnership with award-winning affiliate software supplier, Income Access.
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