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Sheldon Adelson's Money Gets Anti Gambling Bill to Congress
Lee Davy
Sheldon Adelson's money has managed to push an anti-online gambling bill all the way to the halls of congress.
How can operators approach a POCT UK market?
Mike O'Donnell
The tax regime, which most people involved in the UK industry, passed its last obstacle by being cleared in the House of Lords last Tuesday.
Morgan Stanley cuts online gambling estimates in the US by 2017
Kirby Garlitos
New Jersey was observed carefully and projections for the state's online gambling revenues also took a significant dive from $541M to $203M.
MODQs - Germany's bad example of iGaming regulation
Mike O'Donnell
The different ways in which jurisdictions are laying regulatory foundations, and just as importantly enforcing them, is a big topic.
Link Building and other SEO Techniques with Marcus Tandler
Becky is with Marcus Tandler, as he shares his thoughts on the notion that SEO is dead, and on link buying and other SEO techniques.
Press Releases
180Vita Enters Social Sports Market With Tipday Launch
180Vita, the owner of igaming media and entertainment sites such as PokerTube, FootballTube and PokerVIP, has entered the realm of sports tipping with its new free betting site Tipday.
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