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Things you should expect from Fire and Ice 2013

fire-and-ice-2013-lost-in-time-cabaret-troxyFire and Ice 2013 is the kind of party that everybody wants to be a part of. It’s that one party where people can lay waste to all their inhibitions and just have a damn good time. It’s the kind of party where no one’s going to judge you should you decide to take of your coat, stand on top of the table, and do the Dougie with one of your equally inebriated colleagues. The order of the night is to have fun and enjoy the entertainment, the company, and the festivities. But should you decide to prepare for Fire and Ice the same way a prized fighter does before entering the ring – that’s not entirely a bad idea considering that a party of this magnitude can be pretty overwhelming – here are a few things that you should expect and do at Fire and Ice 2013. We don’t subscribe to you getting too drunk and making an ass of yourself. But should you do end up in that situation, just tell them you’re having too much fun to care.

Travel back in time, cabaret style

Last year’s theme, “Original Sin”, was certainly one for the books. Where else will you find a party wherein the sight of girls with little to no fabric on their bodies were getting jiggly with other girls that had even less article of clothing in them. Throw in the cavalcade of leather straps, whips, blind folds, and a variety pets of the serpentine persuasion and you have the kind of party that most people still remember to this day. This year, organizers are taking a different route with the theme, opting to go with a cabaret-like set-up that takes guests on a time-traveling journey of Paris from the 1930’s when the city was considered the hub of all lascivious behavior all over the world all the way to 2130 when the city is expected to be the, well, hub of all lascivious behavior all over the world. Merely describing the theme of this party is already enough to titillate our senses and wish that February 6 would arrive soon enough.

A showcase of top-caliber entertainment

Fire and Ice 2013 will also play host to a multitude of entertainment offerings, including a line-up of celebrities to go with the usual array of scantily-clad dancers, sizzling performers, and of course, the chance to see a drunken colleague go about the business of enjoying a party while in a drunken state of unfiltered inebriation. That alone is worth the price of admission. Heck, even stars from “Britain’s Got Talent” will be in attendance to showcase their, well, talents. Organizers have promised a new level of spectacle, and if we know Michael Caselli and Lyceum Media the way we know them, they’re preparing the party with the kind of entertainment that will easily trump anything we’ve witnessed before. These are big words considering what we’ve been accustomed to in the past. But if there’s anybody that can pull it off, it’s the ladies and gents of Lyceum.

A whole lot of networking

Fire and Ice 2013 will undoubtedly be full of some of the best and brightest minds in the iGaming industry. If you haven’t gotten a chance to rub elbows and interact with your peers, Fire and Ice is the perfect venue for you to do just that – and do it out of the confines of the conference room. You’ll be surprised that the experts from all the conferences you attended have fun personalities to boot. Interact with them. Share some stories. And most of all, take the time to enjoy the company of the best in the business. Chances are, you’ll harken back to the things you did at this party whenever you run into one of your peers in the future.

Let loose and enjoy the evening

Fire and Ice 2013, first and foremost, is a party. So when in Rome, do as the Romans do! Enjoy the evening and have a rollicking good time. While you’re at it, get some shots in your system and drink to your heart’s content. Who knows, you might find your drunk faces on If for nothing else, that’s a great way for you to tell your colleagues that you were caught on camera learning the true meaning of drinkin’ and carryin’ on!

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