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Android overtakes Symbian to become number one

android-overtakes-symbianAnyone following the mobile gaming market over the past year or so will have noticed that the battle has been largely waged between Apple’s iPhone OS and Google’s Android. Android has been much more accommodating to the gambling industry than Apple however holy the grail of Steve Jobs’ company may be.

The latest news on the technology front concerns the aforementioned Android operating system, and the big news that it has now overtaken one of the earlier market leaders, Symbian, according to Canalys, an English research firm.

Finnish company Nokia relies on the Symbian system, which now runs on 31 million cell phones, behind Android on 33.3 million, who have risen from a tiny 4.7 million just a year ago.

“Google only wins with this,” said Pete Cunningham, a Canalys analyst. “There will be more eyes on the mobile Web and more eyes seeing their advertisements.”

Nokia is still the leading manufacturer of mobile phones on a worldwide basis, with 1.3billion people using their devices. With such a shift to smart phone and mobile web content, it’s here that they’re losing out to the North America giants of Google and Apple.

As for the gambling industry, more people having Android devices can only mean good news for those currently busy developing Apps giving users the chance to gamble wherever it is they find themselves. More people having the devices should see more developers looking at Android as a system on which they want to tailor their content.

This is big news, but if Apple finally allows the gambling industry to run their content on iPhone OS you could see many in the industry blowing an Appley load.

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