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Opt-in to our tips for growing your email subscription list

Before you think about buying email lists, check out our top tips at on growing a subscription list. Email subscriptions remain an invaluable tool for affiliate marketers and all facets of the gaming business. Your email list remains one of the most valuable tools in your arsenal for growing your business.

The rule of thumb for an email list is quality over quantity. A money list will contain active buyers, engaging with your offering. As a provider, you should be on the lookout to build relationships and avoiding subscribers who are freebies. 

According to Mailchimp, the average email open rate over 2019 was 22% across several industries in the U.S.

We’ve put together a collection of some of our tips to give you the edge in growing your email subscription list.

Use the right tool for the job

HubSpot and Mailchimp are two great tools that we swear by in the world of email subscriptions. Both tools have their pros and cons, but both are effective in developing high-quality marketing EDM’s and building subscription lists.

Make them an offer they can’t refuse

We’re not asking you to leave the gun and take the cannoli, but you want to make a compelling offer to your potential subscribers. Email addresses are well guarded these days and while your offer may not involve a certain racehorse, your pitch needs to be compelling enough for a client to provide you with an email address. Our advice is to invest in a decent copywriter and experiment with some different offers that give you the best conversion rates.

Make it easy to subscribe

No one likes paperwork and it’s the same rule of thumb for your subscription list. A simple opt-in form will increase your email subscriptions faster. Fewer steps mean that you’ll have more opportunities to capture email addresses. A subscription option straight off your home page is the best way to capture potential customers.

If a customer doesn’t land on your homepage then include blog articles and potential links in your headers and footers to capture their email information.

Call to action through your social networks

Don’t be afraid to invite people to subscribe through your social networks. A call to action through Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram is a perfect opportunity to grab potential subscribers to a blog or newsletter. Posting a link to your signup page is an opportunity to speak to an audience that lives on social media.

280 characters in a subject line

Great offers are like tweets – catchy and to the point. The simpler the offer, the more likely you can stand out in an email inbox. Keeping a subscriber engaged is the key to building a long-term relationship. Short simple reminders are often the best. One of our favourite newsletters that we subscribe to at the office is the “Tim Ferris Five Bullet Friday”. A short weekly email reminding us that we need to pull it together.

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