US Online Gaming Law 2011

US ONLINE GAMING LAW 2011 - Overview | C5 (UK)

US ONLINE GAMING LAW 2011 - Overview | C5 (UK)

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US Online Gaming Law 2011

The push to legalize online gaming in US is and has been continuous. But what will the future look like? And how can we prepare? The US Online Gaming Law Edition 2011 is a unique event and the first event of its kind focusing on the legal aspects of online gaming in the US. The event will take place in the gambling Mecca of the United States, Las Vegas Nevada on 10-11 November 2011.

The event will consist of panel discussions and will uncover and decipher where we will be heading in 2012 and beyond.

Without question, the economic potential in the US market is huge, and with daily news centred on States such as Iowa, New Jersey, California and Florida, when legalization of online gaming occurs the opportunities will be massive, and the legal maze intricate and complex.

Governor Christie’s veto has hit the industry hard; however the continuing battle to bring legalized online gaming to the United States steamrolls ahead, with a bill to authorize Internet poker in Nevada announced shortly after. With frequent announcements, lobbying and collaborations between the industry and its regulators, it seems only a matter of time before online gambling entered the US legislation.

The District of Columbia was the first domino to tip, where and how will the next chapter be written in US Legislation?

This is an exciting time for the gaming industry, the legal issues are huge, but with them bring big commercial opportunities. Market entrance strategies for European operators entering the US market and vice verses are on the tip of everyone’s tongue, and vicarious liability looks certain to be the one subject where the whole industry will be looking at with anticipation. Taxation could bring huge revenue to the US in times of economic difficulty, and the impact on land based casino’s of legalized online gaming is a hot and contentious topic in Las Vegas and Atlantic City.

There isn’t an industry professional or affiliate that can afford to miss this conference. To join us at the inaugural US Online Gaming Law 2011 for an unparalleled learning and networking opportunity click here to register.