Asia’s blossoming casino market is taking the world by storm and it means that every man and his dog are trying to jump onto the bandwagon o’ casinos. Macau has set the benchmark and now everyone from Russia to South Korea and Japan want a piece of the lucrative market. The region’s premier destination has had two major competitors for some time though with Singapore, one of the two, even getting close to surpassing the USA as the second largest casino destination on the planet. The Philippines remains the other big Asian destination and there are plans to enlarge the country’s casino offering in the coming year.
With the two destinations likely to be neck-and-neck in the chase to join Macau at the top we decided to ask the tablog’s readers which will end up being the more successful casino destination?
The results ended up being a close run thing with a smattering of votes separating the two and indicating there won’t be much to choose between them.
Singapore ended up with the wooden spoon as 48 percent of you voted that it will come out on top.
It meant the Philippines coming out in front with 52 percent and showing why many in the industry still think that it’s undoubtedly the place to be.
Manila has long been recognized as one of the centres of the entire gambling industry and with the development of Entertainment City Manila the country’s rise to prominence will only be hastened further. With Singapore starting to see revenues drop off slightly it could be all the Philippines requires to take over their competitor before the next raft of countries start to enter the casino industry.
We keep our focus on the Philippines for this week’s poll and switch over to perhaps the country’s most famous export right now – Manny Pacquiao. Should he call it a day and move full time to politics or keep going with the day job? Check back next week for the answer.