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APCW Perspectives Weekly

Shades of when Dirk Nowitzki led his team to victory in this year’s NBA Finals with the flu- J Todd though sick as a dog, hangs tough to bring us the latest online gambling news.

It’s an emotional rollercoaster once again with the online gambling industry this week. While the Barton bill has raised the hopes of poker players, unfortunately, not everyone is so enthusiastic about the proposed legislation.

And now all of a sudden the AGA is stepping up to try and pass their own online poker bill. Now? After years of opposing online gambling, now the AGA steps up? J Todd explains why.

Just when you thought regulated online gambling was a lock in Washington D.C, that too has been put on delay. The delay is to gather feedback from the people, because the government always listens to the people right?

Also, more Black Friday fallout from across the Atlantic, as the UK restructures its international gaming laws.

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