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Jersey telecoms getting ready for gaming

jersey-telecomsOne of the UK’s channel islands has revealed that a telecoms company has invested heavily ahead of online gambling’s arrival.

As far as the word jersey is concerned, most are currently focused on the New version of it over in the gold ole’ USA.

Some may even be obsessing over which Miami Heat jersey they want to send back in order to finance a cartload of Tiger’s Blood. This isn’t the Jersey we’re talking about though.

Today’s news concerns Jersey Telecom, who have spent a total of £15m preparing for the imminent arrival of iGaming.

Jersey, the channel island England owns just off the coast of France, has been in the news recently as far as gaming is concerned after last month the States of Jersey agreed to allow online gaming companies to set up on the island.

It was then that two ministers decided that they’d act out an in the media spotlight version of a newly divorced couple squabbling over custody rights for their first born.

One of those involved in the argument, Economic Development Minister Senator Alan Maclean, has been championing internet gambling’s cause all along and will be pleased to see the investment from Jersey’s largest telecoms company.

Jersey have been the latecomers to the party as Alderney and Guernsey have had systems set up for some time, the Alderney Gambling Control Commission looking like they may reap the rewards of a partnership set up in Nevada.

It goes without saying that Jersey Telecom’s investment gives no guarantees of the law actually being passed but that fact offshore locations are preferred by UK-based gambling firms it won’t be long until Jersey is on the map.

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