Poker prompts Grizzly brawl in the sky!


Poker-prompts-Grizzly-brawl-in-the-sky!Sources are reporting that Memphis guard O.J. Mayo, a first round draft pick in 2008, was on the business end of a beat down from Grizzlies swingman and former Celtic Tony Allen.

According to Yahoo Sports, Mayo, who already owed around $1,500 to Allen for a cold streak at the poker table, was drunk and belligerent aboard the team’s plane. Redefining the term “asking for it,” Mayo began to berate and insult his debtor in front of the rest of the team.

Allen attempted to be the bigger man and walked away from his teammate, only to return moments later to find Mayo continuing to badmouth him. At this point Allen did his best Tony Soprano impersonation and proceeded to beat Mayo’s ass like a mob informant.

Proving that bullshit excuses aren’t just for seventh graders, Mayo missed the Grizzlies game against the Oklahoma Thunder earlier in the week for what team officials referred to as “bronchitis.”