Residents in London Borough criticise bookies


bookiesCampaigners against gambling establishments in and around the capital of the iGaming industry, London, don’t seem like the type of people that have a lot of fun going on in their lives. Obviously, they’re trying to protect their neighbourhoods, and let’s be honest now there’s not a lot in the world that’s worse than a betting shop in your midst. Haven’t you heard, they’re the devil incarnate.

It will come as no surprise to most of you that applications for three gambling establishments in the London Borough of Brent have come under heavy criticism from groups in the community involved. William Hill won planning permission to open the shop, only for strong oppositions to come from the local police and even a school that is “yards away” from the planned establishment.

Maggie Rafee, the school’s head, warned that gambling shops attracted “unsavoury people who hung around near the school gates, and set a bad example for students.” Now back when I was attending school and saw people coming out of betting shops I didn’t think to myself that I’d like to take after them. Visitors to gambling establishments can sometimes be unsavory, but it can hardly be pinned on the industry itself.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, we hadn’t yet received a reply from William Hill regarding this issue but when we hear anything back from the bookmakers, we will be the first to let you know.