B.C. Liberals showed balls by changing their minds on gambling

Show me your balls
Politicians who say one thing and then do another are often regarded as hypocrytical but sometimes changing your mind is the only course of action. It takes a braver man to admit when he’s wrong, rather than stubbornly sticking to his guns for fear of losing face. In fact, how refreshing would it be if more politicians actually answered a question by simply saying those three magic words: “I don’t know”?

Now that the B.C. Liberals have gone back on their previous stance and lived up to their name by liberalising online gambling, they deserve congratulations for doing so, not the all too predictable political point-scoring. As this piece says, the Gordon Campbell government may be hypocritical but will the affronted NDP Opposition shut down gambling if they win the next election? I wouldn’t bet on it. Read more.